Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Quote of The Day

While watching an interview with Jean Vanier: a man overflowing with love, and devoting his life to helping others to learn how to love; Vanier said something which truly changed my perspective on the world. “You can’t be everything, but you can be something”. This quote is extremely true, especially for our generation. This is because, people our age either don’t want to change anything because they simply don’t care, or we want to change the world in the course of a day. However, none of these are legitimate options. This is simply because, they are complete extremes. By trying to be everything, we end up losing ourselves in trying to change the world. However, by really applying ourselves to a single, specific topic and idea that we are fiercely passionate about, we can truly make a difference. My passion is to give to the less fortunate and helping to make a difference in the lives of the poor, and the afflicted. What’s your something?

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